September 04, 2007

where's my 12-sided die now?

ok, I took the surveythe following survey at CNN:
What Hobby Best Suits Your Personality?

found at

here is the result I got (I'm sure, along with millions of other people who took the quiz)--this is supposed to be what hobbies I should be looking at/relevant to me.


You no longer buy gadgets to prove you're cool, or on the cutting edge of any new trend. Now you buy the newest gadgets because you need them to hack (modify, upgrade, or otherwise enhance) your ongoing projects. You already enjoy playing video games(ok, true), coding your own Web sites(true again), or setting up a network of Tivos (will 7 Macs do instead?). ******You might like hobbies like building homemade liquid cooling systems for your computers******, creating a customized media center, writing video games or applying your technical skills to upgrading cars.

Good god, if I'm making homemade liquid cooling systems for my computers, I NEED A *NEW* HOBBY.