February 07, 2007

Cut from the same cloth...but on the bias

I'm a female that has always been surrounded by males. Growing up, I was the biggest tomboy (and I still have a strong tomboy streak) and loved to hang out with my friends, all guys, in the neighborhood. Instead of dolls, tea parties and braiding my friend's hair, I was playing soccer, GI Joe and anything that had to do with dirt or mud. I felt comfortable. I felt like I belonged.

Jump ahead to high school. My peer group consisted of girls and guys, but my closest friends were guys--including my best friend. He and I are still very close, talking 1-2 times a week and seeing each other whenever he is here or I head out to Hawaii. The last 20 years has taught me a lot about guys, but by no means do I consider myself any expert. Now, in my mid-thirties, I'm learning ALL men share a certain number of characteristics, no matter how those men play into my life. My observations, for what they are worth....

  • can't make a decision to save their lives
  • are wimps when it comes to pain
  • don't pick up on subtleties provided by women
  • secretly want to relinquish control (see point #1)
  • want a "dirty" clean girl
  • have a soft side, often rivaling that of women