February 09, 2007

What Would You Do?

On the plane ride home from LA tonight, I was on one of those commuter (2x2, 15 rows) flights. I had the window seat and a guy sat next to me. I hate/fear flying, so I take a little xanax before the flight and I'm usually fine (even asleep) before takeoff. Well, we had a mechanical issue at caused a delay, and after sleeping the whole time we waited on the tarmac, I woke up as we were just about to take off.

I noticed the jackass next to me abused his personal space and had his right leg all up in my space. He was trying to sleep, and had the typical "I need to sit with my legs far apart cause I got junk" wide sit. I was pretty tired, and this guy just rubbed me the wrong way, so I decided I needed to reclaim some of my space. What to do, what to do.... should I :

  • gently nudge his knee and hope he gets the picture?
  • pass gas and hope he wakes up and shifts position?
  • turn on the light to annoy the crap out of him because he's trying to sleep?
Well, I did all three. He was so passive aggressive, he was taking up the space cause he could, and out of spite. The minute I turned on the light (keep in mind its a small plane, its dark outside and in the cabin, and he's leaning in my general direction) he woke up and moved further into my space.

What a jackass.

"What's that?"
"A dress."
"According to who?"
"Calvin Klein."